Career development

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Carrer development

PRCEM adheres to the "fair, just and humane care", adhere to the "ability oriented, performance oriented", regards people as partners, the implementation of corporate culture through human resource system and system construction, and establish the excellent human resource management system, and strive to become a good employer, help every Xinhai employees succeed.

PRCEM adheres to the selection and corporate values and culture, with successful anastomosis potential, strong achievement motivation, cooperation spirit, can adapt to change, innovative talents. Through the establishment and improvement of the training and development mechanism of internal personnel, to ensure the career development of talent needed to internal selection based, supplemented by external recruitment.

Managers at all levels is the core power of PRCEM. Management through effective recruitment, selection, training, motivation, evaluation and development of employees and human resource management, enhance the core competence of the Department and the company, support to achieve department business growth and corporate strategy. Improve employee job skills and occupation quality through planned, organized, diverse training, enhance the ability of organization, the realization of human capital value. The establishment of long-term incentive mechanism, make excellent, backbone employees share the company's growth results.

We use the mechanism and system to help you succeed. Because, your success is our success.